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How to Prepare for the Next Recession

· matthew littlemore,personal finance,financial goals
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The economy is in a recession when companies cannot make sales, and its growth is not as strong as it should be. The stock and real estate market decline can cause people’s savings and retirement accounts to lose money.

Although a recession is inevitable, it’s also essential to prepare for the future by planning for the unexpected. Here are four steps that can help you prepare for the next recession.

Prioritize Finances

Keeping track of your finances is very important during a recession. It’s hard not knowing when things will get better. Although it’s essential to adapt your budget to accommodate a recession, limiting your non-essential spending is also important.

For instance, you should refrain from buying non-essential items such as clothes, cable, and entertainment. However, it’s also important to separate your needs from your wants.

Debt Repayment

You may be worried about paying off your credit card bills, student loans, and utilities in the coming months. If you lose income, you may have to stop paying these bills altogether. Understanding which ones you must settle on first will allow you to manage your finances better.

If you lose income, it could affect your ability to pay your bills on time and in full every month. Doing so could affect your credit scores. Although it’s crucial to maintain a steady income, it’s also important to prioritize paying your bills. Having enough money to cover all your debts will allow you to keep a strong credit score.

Career Opportunities

The unemployment rate during a recession usually goes up to high levels. Considering how your career may be affected by the economic situation is important. Reacquaint yourself with your professional network and consider connections outside your current organization.

Having solid relationships with various groups can help you land a great job. You can also reach out to your network through social media or by offering to meet in person.

Boost Your Emergency Fund

Even if you may be laid off or have a job cut, keep as much money as possible in your emergency fund. This will allow you to get through the next few months without relying on your salary.

Although it’s never a good idea to withdraw from your emergency fund, it’s essential to consider using some of your saved money. However, rebuilding this fund is vital once your financial situation improves.